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Loading a background bitmap

You can use a bitmap as a background for your rendered map. Select "properties" under edit from the menu bar. The following window should be displayed. Click on the choose file to access the File Dialog Box. Now select a valid bitmap file. The selected file should appear in the square window to the right of the button. Click on Background Enable and press Apply or OK to load the background. This background will be used each time the map is redrawn. You can disable the background at any time by clicking on the Background Disable radio button.

Note: The background is not used in the Wire Frame Mode.

Printing Maps

The print function has not yet been implemented. I plan on using something like gnome-print for this function, but I still have a few issue left to resolve. For now the best way to print out your map is to save it as a bitmap and use a graphics program like Gimp to do the actually printing.

Installing  g3DGMV

To compiling g3DGMV, extract the files from the distribution.

        tar -zxvf g3DGMV-<version>.tar.gz

        Go to the g3DGMV-<version> directory and type


The command configure will generate a Makefile for your machine, and make will compile a binary for your machine. For more information read the

INSTALL file in the g3DGMV-<version> directory.

After the progarm has been complied a binary file called g3DGMV will be  created in the src subdirectory.

 Type "cd src" to change to source  director.
 Type "g3DGMV" to execute the g3DGMV program.

Next you'll need to download a DEM map. The following USGS site has a list of DEM and DLG maps for various areas. After you uncompress
the map, make sure to rename it with the appropriate extension (dem or dlg).

Note: g3DGMV does not work with SDTS formats at this time, use the standard DEM and DLG maps.


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